We are not building a higher fence,
but a longer table.

With fences getting higher and higher in Europe for people on the run, welcoming places are needed more than ever. That is exactly what Refugee Company is building in and around asylum seekers’ centers. Now in Arnhem, Utrecht and Amsterdam, but preferably we cook and work together on hospitable tables throughout the Netherlands.

That’s why on February 13, we’re setting up the longest table possible at A Beautiful Mess. For this, we’re looking for friends who want to sponsor 40 meters or more at once. But we’re also incredibly grateful for a single meter or a one-time donation.

Welcome to Refugee Company’s fundraising dinner at Amsterdam’s longest table. An evening of action and connection in the middle of the city.


Date: Feb. 13, 2025
Door open: From 17:30
Start program: 18:30

End of program: 22:00
Location: A Beautiful Mess, Oosterdokskade 227, Amsterdam


Individuals: V.a. 1 meter (max. 2 places*) – €250 per meter
SMEs: V.a. 10 meters (max. 20 places*) – €2500 per 10 meters
Large organizations: V.a. 20 meters (max. 40 places*) – €5000 per 20 meters.

*You don’t have to fill all the seats yourself; our communities from the asylum centers and partner organizations are also happy to join us.

The more people participate, the longer the table we can build and the more community cafes we can open in asylum-seeking centers.
Will you build with us?